$30,000 Cartier Watch Found At Goodwill

When we heard that Vintage Watch Specialist, Mike Nouveau, found one of the rarest Cartier watches on an online Goodwill Auction, we knew we had to hear more about the story. We asked Mike a quick few questions about his crazy find, and how it even ended up in the hands of a Thrift Store like Goodwill:
Tell us how you initially sourced the Cartier?
“I found it on the Goodwill website. Actually someone DMed me a link to it”
Were you surprised that it ended up at a Goodwill?
“No, Goodwill isn’t on my radar so I actually have no idea how they work. I’m assuming someone died and their stuff was all donated”
Did you know what it was as soon as you saw it?
“Yes I knew it was a 1930s-ish Tank Obus”
In the event that the movement on the watch was replaced… did you plan on just taking the loss?
“I probably could’ve gotten more than the amount I paid out of it, even if the movement had been replaced”
What makes this Cartier Special?
“Any Cartier before the 1960s is exceptionally rare. Only *102* Cartier tanks were produced by Cartier between 1929 and 1934. That is infinitesimally small quantities?
Any Ideas on Ballpark Market Value?
“Probably 25-30k, but I likely will just keep it”
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