ETSY Increases Transaction Fees by 30%

This is the first time ETSY has raised transaction fees since 2018.
On the heels of a record breaking fourth quarter revenue announcement of $717.1 million, Etsy has decided to break our hearts.
Etsy leadership has announced a 30% increase in seller fees from 5% to 6.5%. This change will take place in April. The last time fees were increased on Etsy was in 2018. But as more attention is being paid to vintage and the resell market, Etsy opted to drive a point home, burdening resellers with additional costs in an already costly and inflated market. The move comes as platforms across the board begin increasing transaction fees for sellers on their platforms. The Etsy announcement comes at the heels of similar announcements made recently by both Grailed and Depop.
We will continue to monitor how merchants on the platform react.
And if you’re coming from Etsy, we have the better alternative for you. Bidstitch does not charge any transaction fees as we opt for a flat fee selling program. And, until our app launch, our desktop site is completely free.
We here at BIDSTITCH are committed to remaining fee-less.
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