Hazel Hearts Vintage Sells a 90s Dress Online; Notices it a Few Days Later on Kim Kardashian

On Sunday, Kayla Gonnason, aka Hazel Hearts Vintage, posted on Instagram that a dress she sold online ended up being worn by Kim Kardashian on Saturday Night Live for the skit “Lotto Drawing.” We were fortunate to be able to chat with her about the sale and what it was like to see her dress on screen.
Thanks for talking with us, Kayla! So what was the dress in question and where did you source it?
The dress was Ann Taylor for Tahari from the 90s. It came from another local reseller I work with who does large buyouts from Seattle area thrifts and estate sales.
How much did you list it for?
It was listed for $39.99.
So who reached out to you? What did they say?
One of the women who works for the SNL costume department reached out and asked if I could ship via overnight AM delivery on Thursday so it could be there very early Friday.
I bet that overnight shipping was expensive for them!
I don’t know the exact price of shipping since I used their FedEx account. I’m sure they get good rates with FedEx with a corporate account. But I’m willing to bet it was a few times more than the dress itself.
When did you realize they actually used it for the skit?
I’ve sold to SNL at least once in the past and the item didn’t get used on screen so I didn’t really have my hopes up. I actually forgot about it till one of my followers DM’d me that they saw the dress on screen. Then I kind of freaked out. I don’t actually have cable so I had to wait for the clips to show up on YouTube to watch.
I think we all would have freaked out! What exactly was going through your mind when you saw it on Kim?
It’s kind of surreal to watch one of the most famous women in the world wear an item that you picked out. As a reseller you almost never see where your items end up. You usually assume it’s going to someone for personal use and they’ll enjoy it and you never see it again. So knowing that millions of people saw it on television is wild. Especially since there was a LOT of talk online about this episode.
Incredible. How can we keep up with you online?
I’m @HazelHeartsVintage on Instagram! I love sharing reselling tips and my interesting vintage finds with my followers (and also lots of pictures of my cats).
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