Is Lil Opioid The BIGGEST Flake in Vintage History?

This past weekend, one of the craziest Instagram Lives happened featuring an up and coming rapper named Lil Opioid (crazy name right??). It was a regular Sunday night and popular vintage community member, Drew Daddy, decided to go live and auction off some vintage shirts. After a little while, Lil Opioid, who Drew knew of, started to make some decent bids for shirts. Nothing crazy, but he started to win a few auctions. $50 here, $200 there, it seemed normal for vintage shirts. However, soon he would be offering tens of thousands of dollars for entire collections, and everyone was trying to get cashed out and overpaid for their vintage shirts. It was chaos. In the end, Lil Opioid flaked on every offer he made that night, but to get to that point we need to backtrack and look at some very important context.
(Disclaimer: all events recalled are from the perspective of Drew Daddy)
Drew Daddy is a vintage collector, reseller and Youtuber. He makes it tradition to go to every Jake Paul boxing match for the viral content. So about a month ago he found himself in Florida to attend the Jake Paul fight versus Tyron Woodley. At these events, Drew would meet all kinds of celebrities and influencers, Drewskii, Nate Diaz and more to name a few. Trying to make content for his Youtube channel he would film at these boxing matches, and about a month ago is when he met Lil Opioid. He meets Lil Opioid and his crew inside the arena, where Lil Opioid shows off that he purchased an extra $20,000 worth of tickets for the event just because. This is the start of how Drew believes Lil Opioid is rich. He’s interviewing them and talking with them in the parking lot after the match and he exchanges IG and they follow each other. They would talk from time to time and Lil Opioid has constantly talked to Drew and shown him just how “rich” he is. He would flex million-dollar stock portfolios, send pictures of “his” mansion, and talk about how rich his dad and his family is. For Drew this all sounds good, but it could very well be cap.

A little while after the event, Drew is going live on his Youtube channel. Similar to IG Live you can support the creator by purchasing a superchat, which goes directly to the creator like a twitch TV donation. Randomly, Drew receives a $200 Superchat from Lil Opioid and then immediately a $300 Superchat. Now it’s not the hugest amount, but this solidifies that Lil Opioid has money to throw around to Drew. He’s starting to believe that this kid might actually be a rich, successful person. He even saw an article online that states Lil Opioid’s net worth at 1.1 million at 17 years old. Now let’s fast forward to what happened this past weekend

Drew Daddy decides to go live on his IG and auction off a few pieces. He never talked to Lil Opioid about hopping in the live, or even buying some pieces, but randomly Lil Opioid hopped in the chat and is now sending out bids to purchase shirts. It started out mostly low brow stuff, maxing out around a few hundred dollars for a Vintage Homies shirt. Then he throws out a $1,000 bid for a vintage Star Wars shirt, and 1500 for a vintage Disney shirt. It’s starting to get crazy. Now theres always a chance that the bidder on the IG live may flake and not pay, but Drew has already seen that Lil Opioid can throw around money, so he embraces it and decides to go all in. Drew is thinking that its about to be a legendary live, and he wants his friends to get cashed out too if he’s getting cashed out. Drew mentioned a past IG Live where he brought a hometown friend of his who dropped $13,000 on vintage shirts and he wasn’t even a vintage collector. After having a crazy experience like that, Drew wants to emulate that, so that he can create a legendary moment in the IG live. So, Drew starts to bring in other people into the live, and Lil Opioid continues to throw out insane offers on shirts, and even offers into the 5 figures for entire collections and closet cleanouts. He even offered a vendor $2,000 to overnight ship a shirt to him.
It sounds too good to be true, so now people are starting to get suspicious. Lil Opioid eventually hops in the IG live to go on camera and say that he’s all legit, shows his bitcoin wallet and some expensive jewelry. And unfortunately, Drew is vouching for him because he doesn’t know any better. He doesn’t know that this kids a flake, or that he wasn’t going to pay for the shirts he was bidding on. Drew thought that he was legit, and he got caught up in trying to make something crazy happen for the community on his IG live. These vendors are now starting to believe it because Drew is vouching for it, and at the end of the day these vendors want to make money. What better way to make money than to have some rich kid overpay for some vintage shirts?
Lil Opioid eventually left Drew’s live and went to start his own IG live, and the people were flocking from Drew’s live to his to probably try and sell him some shirts and get cashed out. Now Drew at this point told us that he messaged Lil Opioid to come back to his live and stay exclusive to him because he didn’t want him to get taken advantage of by any other sellers. Drew eventually joins his live and Lil Opioid continues to make crazy offers on shirts. At this point people it’s gone on long enough in the night that people are actually wondering, “if he’s legit why doesn’t he do a live pay to prove it”. Lil Opioid starts to say “his phone is updating. He has to take money out of his bitcoin wallet to pay”. At this point everyone including Drew are starting to catch on. He’s not legit, and he’s going to flake on every offer he made that night. Drew is furious and feels incredibly disrespected because he vouched for this kid, but its obvious now that he just got finessed. Worst part was that Lil Opioid had badges on in his live, and multiple people were buying badges to try and get his attention to sell him shirts. At the end of the live, Lil Opioid used it as a platform to promote his new album.
Drew knew that he unfortunately messed up, and ended up going live to hear out opinions and admit that he was wrong about the kid. Keep in mind, Drew was trying to recreate the IG live where his friend dropped over $10k on vintage. Drew says that people in the community were generally understanding and understood the situation. At the end of the day, no one was scammed, but many buyers were left with high hopes over some potential crazy sales. Drew ended up giving out a bunch of free tees to community members which he felt bad for over the whole situation.
After the incident, Lil Opioid deleted all his IG posts (which are now back up as of writing this article). As far as we know, no one was paid. Lil Opioid blocked most of the vendors involved on Instagram. This may go down as the biggest flake in vintage history.
What are your thoughts on the whole situation? Let us know in the comments. Thanks to Drew Daddy for talking with us and giving us his side of the story.
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