Meet Goodfair CEO, Topper Luciani: The Man Moving Millions of Dollars in Vintage Garments

When did you start Goodfair and how did the idea come about?
I have always had a vision to start a large scale online thrift store. I Have been massively aware of the clothing waste crisis and thought it was a big enough problem to devote my life to. We are consumption machines and I wanted a way to match the infinite appetite for newness with all of the waste going overseas and ultimately into landfilIs. was really inspired by low priced online marketplaces like Wish in their ability to offer low priced goods but ultimately realized that wasn’t going to work with Goodfair so I had to build a brand around the thrift.
What is the biggest challenge you face essentially reselling vintage at the scale you do ?
Iterating new ideas at a million miles an hour is really hard. Most of our product is not vintage. I never wanted Goodfair to be focused solely on vintage because it is too hard to scale. My dream for Goodfair is to find the used products that consumers consistently like and curate them in a way that provided uniformity and predictability in what they are getting for a low price.
Tell us how your business functions from an operational perspective- how do you make money?
That’s the secret sauce baby.
Where do you envision Goodfair 5 years from now?
As consumers start to purchase more with their conscious I think the used goods sold by Goodfair will be more ubiquitous in American households. I want to be the supplier to major retailers as well as a trusted source for second hand basics like flannels and tees.
Were you conscious of the fact that some consider you a huge ghost within the vintage space- did you do that purposefully?
Hahah- No I just always felt that the vintage community was too gated for me and everyone is playing by the same rules and chasing the same stuff. I certainly appreciate a cool tee but the clothes that ring my bells basically have no value. Nirvana and Misfits tees are corny to me- so I never joined the conversation. I’m trying to give value to things that have no value through brand building and story telling. That is what I Encourage the community to do in order to really put a dent in this clothing waste problem.
What do you think about the huge influx of vintage sellers coming into the market?
I am SO SO SO excited about it. I think it presents a huge opportunity for companies like Bidstitch (we think so too)! I think we are going to see some wildly unpredictable things happen and that is really thrilling to me.
What has been your biggest learning experience as the CEO of a multi-million dollar business within the vintage space?
Every day I’m learning so much about the consumer, marketing tactics, managing people. I just keep putting one foot in front of the other and remaining steadfast in my dream of building a big business in order to make a big impact.
Do you have any advise for the new resellers that are just starting out in the space?
There are so many ways to skin this cat. Follow your passion and study the competition. The most important thing that I didn’t fully understand until recently is build a community around what you are doing. It is the absolute most important element of ecommerce.
Anything else you want to add?
Listen to Abraham Hicks if you want to manifest big shizzle.
Praise Jah and have fun.
Huge thanks to Topper for taking the time out to do this interview with us! Check out Goodfair and all that they are doing on their Website and Instagram!
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