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Meet the man who’s spent over £5,000 turning his whole house Vintage

The Thread

Jack Walter (23) has made quite a splash on TikTok showing off his massive 90’s collection of nostalgia. For most of us, we may just collect old clothes or toys, but Jack has taken it to the next level. He’s recreated his parents home to look like it did back in the 90s. We spoke with him to see how it all started and learn more about his nostalgia for his childhood.

How did it all start?

It all started back when Jack was 13 and would go thrift shopping for the first time. It “opened up a new world, getting something unique for a lot cheaper”, said Jack. From there, he would start to build up his collection and appreciation for all things 90s.

Jack started out trying to recreate his parents house, trying to capture the nostalgia and comfortability of being a child. He wanted to create an idealized version of the past, focused on all the good things he remembered. His house and aesthetic is mostly from the 90s with a little late 80s thrown in. This would come in the form of electronics, furniture, paintings, books, clothes, etc.

Jack grew up in a very small working class town in the north of England, and currently now lives in a village of around 500 people. “Because I’m now known as the vintage guy around town, he’s been called a time traveler and a vampire.” One plus side though, is that people will send things to Jack that they know he would like for his home.

What’s your favorite aspect of all this?

Jack loves vintage clothes. Everything he owns is second-hand. He usually purchases items from charity shops (UK thrift stores) or Ebay. He really appreciates and loves the more colorful and relaxed style.

How much have you invested so far?

“I’ve currently invested over 5000 pounds (over 7,000 USD) so far… but most of it, if not all, is secondhand and very cheap.” This may sound like a lot, but knowing how much vintage clothing can go far, Jack has done all of this on an extremely cheap budget. Because Jack lives in a small village, he is able to still get items extremely cheap.

What is your life like outside of vintage?

Although Jack may look like he lives in the 90’s, he still has some modern hobbies. Jack is frequently binging TikTok and Netflix. He is also an illustrator in his spare time. He currently enjoys recreating scenes of English homes from the past. His partner Matthew is a ceramicist. Although both extremely artsy people, they do love to just be outdoors and enjoy life.

What’s next for the project?

Jack is always renovating his home. But aside from that, he still has many things he would like to purchase. He currently has a list of about 40 vintage cars to buy, and in the future wants to have a place with his partner. “Since I still live with my mom, I can’t replace everything with vintage items,” he said. Jack still has to have a modern washing machine and television for his mom to use. However, once he gets his own place with his partner, Matthew, Jack wants literally everything in his home to be vintage.

What’s your vintage holy grail?
“My vintage holy grail is a 90s American wood-paneled station wagon.” Some American readers may cringe hearing that, but those cars are incredibly hard to come by in the UK.

Jack is doing something really special and unique. Even better is that its something that brings him personal joy and others as well! He’s inspiring and showing off a seemingly unknown aesthetic to people who may be too young to know what the 80s/90s really looked like.

It was a great experience to speak with Jack, and we can’t wait to see what he does with his home next! You can check out Jack on Instagram @the_sad_rad_dad, or on TikTok @the_sad_rad_dad.

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3 years ago
"nostalgia for his childhood" lol he barely lived in the 90s.
3 years ago
No shade though. He's done a really good job!