The Greatest Flea Market Find of All Time

Last week, we may have seen the single greatest flea market find of all time. A young thrifter, Kaleb AKA @301thrifter pulled a Vintage Type 1 Levi’s 506XX Jacket from a flea market. For 15 dollars. That’s right. 15 American Dollars. Now if you’re not savvy to vintage Levi’s pieces, a type 1 jacket may be the absolute holy grail for collectors. It’s the first iteration of Levi’s classic denim jacket and was produced from 1905-1952, putting them usually around or pre WW2 era. Theres a few changes made to the Type 1 model throughout the years, but each one brings an incredibly hefty price tag. Type 1 jackets can easily fetch thousands of dollars and in many cases fetch prices of up to $25,000. After seeing this find online we reached out to Kaleb to ask him a few questions about how it all came to be.
Who are you? (Name, Age, Location, etc)
“My name is Kaleb and I’m 19 years old from Chambersburg, PA. My IG is @301thrifter“.
How long have you been thrifting?
“I’ve been thrifting since I was 12 with my grandma haha”
Where did you find this Levi’s Jacket?
“I Found it in a flea market for 16$! I honestly had no idea the value of the jacket. I just knew big Es Levi’s hold importance but once I found and posted it, messages started rolling in with higher and higher offers.
Some person who threw an offer of 1000 told me he’d feel guilty buying it off of me for at that price due to its rarity, and he told me I can get up to 10,000 on it if marketed right”.
What do you know about the jacket so far?
“Apparently its a type 1 model Levi’s jacket from the 30s or 40s. I’ve been told that if the sleeves weren’t cut the way they were it would be a 20,000-25,000$ jacket. Also the T stitching on the back is what drives it up in value”.
What is the current high offer on the jacket?
“The current high offer on the jacket is over $10,000”.
What are you going to do with the money after the jacket sells?
“I guess whenever it sells if it sells lol, start up a clothing brand and get my future in line. Where I’m from 15 grand is life changing money that can come with multiple opportunities”.
Make sure to follow Kaleb on IG, and make sure to follow BIDSTITCH for more vintage news and stories from around the community!
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