UnholySaints Blesses This Year’s ComplexCon With Vintage

Complex Con has a history of being known for some of the hottest and most exclusive streetwear, sneaker and designer drops of all time. But one thing that doesn’t get highlighted at Complex Con is Vintage, and Unholy Saints is looking to change that. They’re looking to bring an entire wardrobe to Complex Con, featuring vintage tees, denim, sweaters, jackets and custom cut and sew garments. We had the opportunity to speak with Benji from Unholy Saints and hear more about his plan and vision for Complex Con!
Who are you? Name, age, location, IG, background info about your store, etc
Benji Pall, Los Angeles, @UnholySaintsLosAngeles. The physical store has been open almost a year now, I originally started selling vintage out of my car on Melrose here in LA, about 4/5 years ago. I would start hanging clothes on businesses that were closed or weren’t open yet. I started to focus more and more on depop and online sales. During Covid i eventually opened up a showroom in DTLA. Doing complexcon last year (2021) for the first time it gave me the energy and confidence that I could potentially open up a store.

What are you bringing to Complex Con? Do you have anything special in store for this year?
This year we are bringing a ton to complexcon. Last year was mainly about tees and our original cut & sew collection we had released for it but this year is about being able to build a whole wardrobe. Everything from denim, to tees, to jackets, to sweaters. I also found a huge love for working with leather so we are bringing a bunch of leather goods that I have been making at my workshop which is upstairs at the store. We are also releasing our first necklaces which uses a vintage subway token and our U.S.L.A pendant. We have 2 different versions one with an LA subway token and one with a NY subway token.
Why do you want to vend at Complex Con?
Complexcon is obviously a great place for exposure of our brand being along side some of the industry leaders is really important and a great learning experience getting to meet and talk to everyone. It’s also an incredible opportunity to bring vintage clothing and our brand to more people who may not either know where to buy vintage or have always looked at it as just someone’s ratty clothes that they didn’t want anymore.
I’ve been told you were one of the first people to bring vintage to Complex Con? How did that come about?
I honestly can’t remember to a tee (pun intended) on how I got linked up with complexcon, I became friends with one of the people who run the event and then it turned into us working together for the event. It’s a real honor to be there especially to have been asked to come back.
Do the people at Complex Con respond well to seeing/buying vintage?
Last year people responded really well to Unholy Saints. We had a lot of people whom weren’t too familiar with vintage so it was a great opportunity to educate them about the culture and some of what we had in stock. This year my main focus was bringing our store to Long Beach. I wanted people to see what we are all about.
Whats your favorite thing about vending at Complex Con, and in person events in general?
My favorite part about complexcon and in person events especially owning a brick and mortar store is interacting with our customers. We have a bunch of really loyal locals. Recently I’ve been focused on expanding the brand past being just another vintage company. That’s why we just put out our first collection of candles, our necklaces, our shop merch, and all the leather goods.
Whats your favorite/best piece you’re bringing to Complex Con?
One category I would say it’s the amount of Long Gone tees. We have about 50 that we’re bringing from all different sports teams, all different cities and some collegiate ones too.
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